Hayes Knight

Level 2, 115 Pitt St , NSW 2000, Sydney

About Us

Like many businesses, our origins were small. Back in the early 1980s when shoulder pads were popular and the Ford/Holden debate was in full swing, Greg Hayes started a one-man practice, JG Hayes & Co, in Campbelltown on the outskirts of Sydney.

With a new partnership, the adoption of the name Hayes Knight, and a new office, we looked for our next step. Progressively, Hayes Knight sought out like-minded professionals and in 1996, formed a federation of independent accounting and business advisory firms across capital cities in Australia and in Auckland, New Zealand. Hayes Knight grew to be a top 20 mid-tier accounting group.


Accounting & Operating Systems Strategic Advice Mergers & Acquisition Tax Advice Audit & Assurance R&D Tax Incentives Risk Management & Corporate Governance Cashflow & Funding Advice Payroll Services Wealth Management

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Hayes Knight locations

Hayes Knight has an office in 1 locations:


Level 2, 115 Pitt St , NSW 2000, Sydney
2 9221 6666

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